Privacy Policy

The present Privacy Policy is to regulate the explicit and implicit interactions between Watermarkio and you, the user. Within this policy, we specify how your personal data is stored, protected and used while you are using this website or afterwards.

Please make sure you get fully acquainted with the information below – by using our website services, you automatically consent to the provisions of this Policy. Should you disagree with any of the following, please refrain from using our website.

User Input

Any traces of user activity visible on Watermarkio, such as comments, has an underlying layer of data that is collected and processed. Such data includes, but is not limited to the user’s IP address and browser agent string and is later verified for spam or any other malicious activity.

If you happen to post media content, such as photos depicting your local area or place of residence, please protect yourself from possible fraudulent use of location data embedded in the photo files by removing the EXIF GPS data, since other users may get hold of such images and extract such data.


To make your user experience more smooth, we use cookies to store some parts of your individual data, such as login credentials. The cookies are used to prevent repeated identification procedure each time you visit the website, purchase a service or post a comment. Suck cookies are stored up for 2 weeks.

We also have other types of cookies for slightly different purposes. For instance, a cookie file containing the ID of your post is harmless in terms of privacy, as it doesn’t contain private information and is erased within 24 hours after you post or edit your input.

Third Party Content

Watermarkio uses file and link embedding as one of its core functions, meaning you can post materials from other platforms directly to our website. After such materials are posted, they are still a part of the third party website ecosystem and can behave accordingly.

Exercise caution when interacting with the embedded third party website content. It may, and often will, collect, store and process your data, apply other forms of tracking for advertising or other purposes, such as monitoring how you interacted with the embedded data.

Further Use

The personal information submitted by the user while interacting with our website can be later used in various user-platform scenarios, such as password restoration procedure. Much of what is stored can be edited or deleted both by the user and the website admin, e.g. user profile data.

At any given moment, the registered users can request a data package containing every piece of information they submitted to our website. Another option is to request complete erasure of the user’s personal data. This procedure doesn’t include data that Watermarkio undertakes to keep under the provisions of the current EU personal data protection laws. Watermarkio platform does not display, leak, sell, exchange, or otherwise transfer your personal data from this website to the third parties.